
Wednesday 1 October 2014

Tomato and Egg Scramble

Midweek meals. What a struggle!  It's always a fine line between creating something that is tasty but the boys will also eat.  Often it gets to the middle of the week and my brain can't comprehend the fact I should be making a nutritious meal.  My eyes draw longingly to the fridge with the pizza pamphlet tacked to it...

Good thing for me, there are several recipes I have up my sleeves for such days like these, where I don't have to think to hard but food miraculously appears with a mere two or three ingredients and gets eaten with no complaints.  This dish here contains ingredients that should be staples in your fridge.  If anything, they may end up being the ONLY items in your fridge come Friday (no, just me??). 

Research has suggested that tomatoes are good for men.  The lycopene in tomatoes has been suggested to reduce the rate of cancer in prostate as well as stomach and lungs. Regardless as to whether that is concrete or not, tomatoes are full of nutrients and this dish provides flavour to the eggs (which I might add, is protein rich, so great for growing children!)

This dish is widely serve in Mainland China. My Mum and Dad went to China couple of years back with a tour. When they came back, I had cooked this dish and Dad gave me very unimpressed look! He told me that he had to consume this dish every single day at every single meal they had in China! Whoops, my bad - sorry Dad!! 

Ingredients :
(serves four)

One large tomato or two small tomatoes, cut into little cubes or quarters
5 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper 
1 teaspoon of sugar

Steps :

In a pan, heat about 2 tablespoons of oil and pour the egg mixture in. Don't over cook the eggs, just make sure that they are soft and pillowy like scrambled eggs. Remove from pan and put aside.

Pour the tomatoes in and let it cook down for a little while before adding back the eggs. You should still want some shape and texture to the tomatoes. Stir well, add in the sugar, salt and pepper to taste. If you feel the eggs are drying out a little, add a bit of water.

Plate up and serve.  You can serve this alongside other accompaniments as per traditional Chinese way of eating (a few dishes plus rice) or you can have it alone if it's that difficult to do more than this (our little secret!).  What other simple dishes like these do you like to make when it is midweek??

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